View All Bates PTO Bates PTO Email: batesptomail@gmail.comINTERNET Website: Fiske PTO Fiske PTO Website: Hardy PTO Hardy PTO Email: HardySchoolPTO@gmail.comINTERNET Website: Hunnewell PTO Hunnewell PTO Email: info@hunnewellpto.orgINTERNET Website: P.A.W.S. PTO P.A.W.S. PTO Email: wellesley.pawspto@gmail.comINTERNET Schofield PTO Schofield PTO Email: schofieldpto@gmail.comINTERNET Website: Sprague PTO Sprague PTO Email: presidents@spragueschoolpto.comINTERNET Website: Wellesley High School PTSO Wellesley High School PTSO Email: whsptsopres@gmail.comINTERNET Website: Wellesley Middle School PTO Wellesley Middle School PTO Email: wmsptoinfo@gmail.comINTERNET Website: Please report any directory updates or additions to the district Data and Web Assistant,