
What’s New:

Kindergarten Round-Up New Student Registration 2025-26

Kindergarten:?For children 5 years of age on or before August 31, 2025.?Please see the Kindergarten registration page for Forms, Required Documents and More Information.

Grades 1-12:? Registration For Grades 1 through 12 will begin in March. Please see the Grades 1-12 Registration page for information and document requirements.

Child Find: Under federal and state special education regulations, the 新月直播 has a responsibility to locate, identify, refer, evaluation and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate, public education to students with disabilities who reside in the town of Wellesley. Click for more information.

PowerSchool logo PowerSchool Data Breach

Please see document for the latest information on the PowerSchool data breach that came to light on January 7. The FAQ document will be updated as the district receives further information from PowerSchool as well as recommendations from legal counsel and state and federal officials.

Cover of the FY26 Budget Book FY26 Budget

The FY26 Recommended Budget was presented to the School Committee at its December 10 meeting (see and ). The budget hearing was held on January 21 and voted on January 28.

2025-26 Voted Academic Calendar

The School Committee voted December 10 to adopt a new model for the inclusion of religious and cultural holidays in the academic calendar, starting with the 2025-26 school year. After deliberating for more than a month on the recommendations of the (ACTF), discussing many of the available options, and hearing further feedback from the community, the Committee voted to support the model known as “.” This model retains Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Good Friday as no-school days every year; and adds an additional one or two holidays, either Diwali, Lunar New Year, and/or Eid Al-Fitr, depending on the year. In the 25-26 WPS Academic Calendar, approved separately last night by the Committee, Eid Al-Fitr will be a day off school, while Lunar New Year falls during February break, and school will be in session for Diwali.?

Fiske Falcon Fiske Earns 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools Award

The Joseph E. Fiske Elementary School is one of 356 schools nationwide that has been recognized by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona as a 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools award winner! The prestigious awards are handed out each year to top-performing public and private schools. Fiske was designated an Exemplary High-Performing School, awarded to schools that are among their state’s highest performing as measured by state assessments or nationally formed tests. Fiske, which serves approximately 278 students in grades K-5, is the third WPS school to earn the National Blue Ribbon designation, following Sprague (2010) and Hardy (2021). Read more here.

COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Illnesses

Isolation is no longer required for those testing positive with COVID-19. Please see this on the WPS Nursing website for further information and guidance. Students and staff should stay home if they are ill, regardless of testing results. To return to school after a respiratory illness, students should be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, and comfortable playing and learning normally. If your child never develops a fever, and symptoms are mild and do not interfere with normal activity, he or she can continue to attend school. Let’s all do our part in supporting a healthy start to the year!

Bates Community Building Updated Attendance Procedures For 2024-25

Important updates to the WPS attendance procedures will become effective with the start of the 2024-25 school year. These updates include?on absences and tardies that will be included in all school handbooks. Improving student attendance is an important goal for WPS during the upcoming school year.?Please read this post for more information on the district’s new attendance procedures.

Gov. Healey Announces Mental Health Initiative at WHS

On May 21 in the courtyard of Wellesley High School, Gov. Maura Healey and Sec. Kate Walsh of the Department of Health and Human Services announced a new initiative supporting students’ mental health. The Healey-Driscoll administration will make an unprecedented investment in the Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transition (BRYT) program, an in-school program supporting students who have fallen behind academically due to challenges with their mental health. Using the WHS Bridge program as a model,?to establish similar programs in other communities.?Read more about this exciting day.

Redistricting Update for 2024-25 School Year

The updated Elementary School Districts Map will take effect at the start of the 2024-25 school year, with the closing of Upham School and the opening of the new Hardy School. Please read Updated Elementary Redistricting Map Voted January 2024 for further information on the recent changes to the redistricting map. Use the Find Your Elementary School District Tool to find your elementary school district using your street address.

Elementary School Projects Update

As the 新月直播 prepares to open new Hunnewell and Hardy schools, a detailed schedule of events has been created and shared with the community. The new Hunnewell opened Monday, February 26, 2024, with the new Hardy scheduled to open in August 2024. Please see the full timeline of events. This schedule will be updated throughout the year as plans are finalized. Read more about the new Hunnewell design and sustainability features in , and learn more about the building projects at .

Hunnewell Track & Field Project Updates

With Lights Installed, Focus is on Preparing for New Buildings by Hunnewell Track & Field

School Committee’s proposal to install bathrooms, a concession stand, team rooms, lights and an improved sound system – collectively known as Phase II Enhancements to the Hunnewell Track & Field – has seen significant progress since the end of 2023, as outlined in this . With lights installed and a new sound system to follow, much of the recent activity has been on preparing the site for the installation of prefabricated bathrooms and a concession stand, expected by Fall 2024. The Committee voted on to move forward into Design and Permitting with an enhanced modular building option for the Team Rooms and with DPW as the implementation partner. Read more on the T&F Projects page.

Updating the WPS Strategic Plan

The 新月直播 is in the process of updating its district strategic plan, for implementation in Fall 2023. The Strategic Plan Steering Committee developed an initial framework for the 2023-28 Strategic Plan that was approved by the School Committee on June 13. On November 14, 2023, the School Committee approved . A report will be provided to the community in early 2024. Please visit the strategic planning page for additional information on the process and goals.

Upcoming Dates:

  • School Committee Meeting
    Tuesday, February 11@ 6:30 pm

  • February Break - Schools Closed
    Monday, February 17

  • February Break - Schools Closed
    Tuesday, February 18

  • February Break - Schools Closed
    Wednesday, February 19

  • February Break - Schools Closed
    Thursday, February 20

  • February Break - Schools Closed
    Friday, February 21

  • School Committee Meeting
    Tuesday, February 25@ 6:30 pm

  • Office Hours School Committee
    Wednesday, February 26@ 7:00 pm

  • Early Release WHS
    Wednesday, March 5

  • Early Release WMS
    Wednesday, March 5

View more upcoming dates:

General Information:

新月直播 District Offices

40 Kingsbury St, Lower Level, Wellesley MA 02481 ? Directions

Office Tel: 781-446-6200
Voice Mail: 781-446-6210
Fax: 781-446-6207

Business Hours:

Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 4:15 PM  

School Committee Policies

Policies Currently Under Review:

Scheduled to be voted in the February 11, 2025 meeting.

. The advanced search feature allows you to search all policies by keyword or phrase.